Feb 22, 2022
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Oxyelite Pro (Original Formula) – Is Back?

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Why Was OxyElite Pro Discontinued |  Original OxyElite Pro VS New OxyElite Pro | Does It Have DMAA | Oxyelite Pro Vs
The post Oxyelite Pro (Original Formula) – Is Back? appeared first on Supplement Reviews Blog.


Why Was OxyElite Pro Discontinued |  Original OxyElite Pro VS New OxyElite Pro | Does It Have DMAA | Oxyelite Pro Vs Hydroxyelite | What To Expect | OxyElite VS Lipodrene | Reviews | Disclaimer | Warnings And Side Effect | References

Your favorite OxyElite Pro fat burning formula is back!

To say this day is long overdue would be an understatement. We’ll admit, there was even a time we lost hope in the return of OxyElite Pro. But it is in fact in back and in-stock. So the real question becomes is it worth the buy in 2022?  We’re gonna answer that question and more in this post so keep reading.

oxyelite old

Why Was OxyElite Pro discontinued?

Before we can go into what’s new, we need to go over what happened in the first place. So for anyone who wasn’t taking fat burner prior to 2013, here’s what you missed out on:

  • First OxyElite Pro by USP Labs was the number one selling thermogenic a few years ago. The product was revolutionary in the supplement industry and many people received great results while taking it.
  • And it contained our beloved DMAA.
  • Sadly, the manufacturer USP Labs discontinued OxyElite Pro which left huge void that no other fat burner could fill…until now.


Unfortunately, there were claims of serious health issues after usage of OxyElite among other products. So, as you can imagine, this isn’t the same formula. But, what did the fans of OxyElite turn to after their favorite fat burner was taken away? This part of the story you probably know. This is when Hydroxyelite came out and believe it or not the original Hydroxyelite had the same formula as OxyElite.

How did they get away this?

They didn’t. Hydroxyelite has had it’s fair share of revisions to. The good news (if you haven’t heard) is that DMHA is here to stay. So the likelihood of the formula changing again is slim.

Section Divider: how does the old OxyElite and new compare?

How Does The Original OxyElite Pro And New Compare?

Let’s be honest, this is probably why you came to this blog anyway. So let’s jump the gun now and you can keep reading for the comparison on Hydroxyelite. First things first, here are the labels. Notice anything?

Oxyelite old vs new label

Instead of highlighting the similarities, we highlighted the differences.

Instead of:

  • 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCl (DMAA) → 2-Aminoisoheptane HCl (DMHA)

And we now have an addition of Geranium Extract. Yup. That’s it.

So what is the difference between DMHA and DMAA?

We go in this a little more in detail in our DMHA Guide (feel free to check that out, we’ll wait for you to come back).

In short, the structures are very similar and because of that they have a similar effect. But, some consumers say the focus of DMHA is the focus aspect of the energy. This of course will vary person to person.

So what else can you expect from this ingredient?

Customers say that the energy they get from DMHA lasts longer, although it isn’t as intense as DMAA was, which makes it better for an all-day energy supply. Customers also said they felt a boost in mood/focus and a decrease in appetite. Given that up to this point, studies on DMHA are still lacking, these effects are only anecdotal, so not guaranteed.

Side effect wise:

Any stimulant will have its fair share of risks. Some of the reported side effects include; (1)

  • Nausea
  • Energy crash
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Labored breathing
  • Hyperthermia

But keep in mind that even caffeine has it’s share of intense side effects: (2)

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Digestive Issues
  • Muscle Breakdown (in large amounts)
  • Addiction
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart palpitations
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent Urination

Section Divider: Does it contain 1,3 Dimethylamylamine HCl (DMAA) ?

The Million Dollar Question: Does it contain 1,3 Dimethylamylamine HCl (DMAA) ?

No.. not anymore

Now Hydroxyelite or OxyElite Pro features 2-aminoisoheptane as its main stimulant. But Hydroxyelite also has 50mg less of the Garcinia Cambodia extract then it used to and the addition of walnut bark extract. Since 2015, the FDA and DMAA have been going in and out of the courts and at least for now (2019) Hi-Tech is unable to manufacture this ingredient in their products. Other products in their line, or other brand’s line containing DMAA also have been reformulated without it.

So what’s the deal with the Geranium?

If you didn’t know, Geranium Oil is actually the source of DMAA (3). Unfortunately, seeing this in the formula doesn’t mean DMAA is in the new version of OxyElite Pro.

Just to be clear:

There is no DMAA in OxyElite as of December 2022.

So what’s the point of this ingredient? Think about it like the ephedrine vs ephedra debacle. While Geranium Extract is featured in this formula, it’s stripped of the DMAA Alkaloids. So what your left with a potentially similar, but weaker version. Unlike the ephedrine vs ephedra case, we don’t any studies on the strength or similarities between these two, at least not yet.

But this could help boost the effects of the DMHA.†

Section Divider: Introducing Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Hydroxyelite!

Hydroxyelite vs OxyELITE Pro

This is the section that will determine is it worth to switch back.

What is it?

Hydroxyelite is a thermogenic by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals with nearly the exact formula as USP labs OxyElite Pro with the addition of Garcinia Cambodia extract.

For the updated breakdown of Hydroxyelite click here!



As you can, the formulas are pretty similar again. But there are some key differences:

Instead of:

  • Walnut Bark Extract → Geranium Extract
  • Rauwolscine Extract → Yohimbe Extract

And in Hydroxyelite, we have the addition of Garcinia Cambogia Extract. We’ve already dived in the details of Hydroxyelite, so this will only be a run down on the differences.

First, we have the Walnut Extract, which follows the same trend as OxyElite. DMHA is sourced from the walnut tree, so like the Geranium Extract, it’s going to help boost the effects of DMHA.† Next, we have the Rauwolscine and Yohimbe Extracts.

Rauwolscine is known as a diastereoisomer of Yohimbine. Because of this, it has very similar effects as yohimbine and yohimbe. Meaning they are both alpha-receptor antagonist, and they can block the action of the receptors responsible for stopping lipolysis (fat breakdown). So these ingredients allows your body to keep breaking down fat beyond the point in exercise where it would normally stop (4).

Garcinia Cambodia is a fruit that contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which acts to suppress appetite and enhance fat loss. HCA inhibits citrate lyase, an enzyme used to synthesize fat in the body. It also can helps your body use glucose more efficiently, lowering blood sugar (5).

Section Divider: What can you expect ?

What Can You Expect ? 

If you have taken OxyElite Pro in the past and enjoyed it, you can expect to see similar if not even better results with Hydroxyelite. If you are new to thermogenics, please note that this is a powerful product. You may need to assess your tolerance to stimulants before trying this product.

Caffeine sensitive individuals may feel an even greater affect from the stimulant which can make you feel a bit jittery and uncomfortable. We would recommend Hydroxyelite specifically for people who are looking for a strong appetite suppressant. However, if you are looking for more energy, the new OxyElite Pro may be the better option for you.

So should you switch?

It depends. If you’re seeing results with Hydroxyelite (or a different fat burner) stick with it. But if, you feel like you’re hitting that plateau, try OxyElite.

OxyELITE Pro VS Lipodrene?


Lipodrene with Ephedra is another fat burner from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. But, it’s pretty different to OxyElite Pro and Hydroxyelite. For starters, Lipodrene is typically better for individuals looking for an all-encompassing fat burner. So a product that can promote thermogenesis, energy, mood, and appetite suppression. While, OxyElite may aid in these areas, when you compare these two products Lipodrene is likely to come on top.

Interestingly, consumers of Hydroxyelite typically don’t like Lipodrene if they enjoyed Hydroxyelite. Likewise, individuals who like Lipodrene, typically don’t like Hydroxyelite.

So what does that mean for you?

Chances are if you tried the OxyElite 2020 formula and didn’t like it, Lipodrene may be more up your alley. And the good news is we’ve already covered the major differences between Hydroxyelite and Lipodrene!

Now it’s time to ask the important questions…

Section Divider: Does OxyElite Pro Work?

Does OxyELITE Pro Work?

We could tell you what we think, but let’s let the reviews speak for themselves.


“Great curb appetiter and some extra energy, no buzz. ” Review by Lori Posted on

  • WNBF 2021 Contestant
“Just received my supplements, can’t wait to see what these babies can do too bring home the gold!” Review by Denise Posted on
  • The Best

“Everything about this product is good it reminds me of the old oxy elite! I definitely recommend this to anyone who loved the oxy elite” Review by Justin Posted on

Wrapping Up!

For More Info On Hydroxyelite, Check Out Trainer Joe B’s video:

This wraps up the end of our review and comparison of OxyElite Pro. Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, need a recommendation, or have a topic you want us to cover in a future blog, let us know HERE!

*Notice Of Delays*

Currently, there are a lot of delays with products in production, manufacturing, and importing. So unfortunately, your options for trying DMHA products are limited. But that’s why we write blogs, so you can find the best option available! At Same Day Supplements, we are accepting pre-orders for fat burners affected by the delays like OxyElite Pro and Hydroxyelite. However, we currently don’t expect to receive these fat burners till the end of February into Early March. But if don’t want to wait we do have alternatives listed on our website

Want to read about how Hydroxyelite compares to other fat burners? Checkout our other blogs!


†The intention of the information provided is for reference only and we are in no way providing medical advice or instruction. The information provided in this post is based on anecdotal information and available studies/reviews. While it is our goal to maintain and display accurate information, we can’t guarantee it represents the latest formulation of the product or information. Therefore, if you have any concerns, please visit the manufacturer’s website. Also, the information above is not a representation of our views at Same Day Supplements. Rather, these are the views and information provided by manufacturers and users. Also, the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. Finally, the intention of these products is not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.

Warnings And Side Effects:

Read the entire label before taking this product. Not for use by individuals under the age of 18 years. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. Individuals who consume caffeine with this product may experience serious adverse health effects. People who are sensitive to caffeine should consult a doctor before using. Do not consume synephrine or caffeine from other sources, including but not limited to:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Soda
  • other dietary products
  • Medications containing caffeine or phenylephrine

Consult with your physician before use if you are taking medication, including but not limited to:

  • MAOI inhibitors
  • Aspirin
  • Antidepressants
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudo-ephedrine, or other stimulants

Consult your physician before use if you have a medical condition, including but not limited to:

  • Heart, liver, kidney, or thyroid disease
  • Psychiatric or epileptic disorders
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Glaucoma

Stop 2 weeks before surgery or if you experience:

  • Rapid heart beat
  • Dizziness
  • Severe headache
  • Shortness of breath

In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects, including heart attack and stroke. Improper use of this product may be hazardous to a person’s health.

This product should not be used in place of or as a substitute for recommendations by your healthcare professional. No clinical study has been performed on Lipodrene®.

These statements are based upon the active ingredients:

  • Senegalia Berlandieri
  • Ephedra
  • Theobromine
  • Yohimbe
  • Citrus aurantium
  • Caffeine
  • Green tea
  • 5-HTP
  • 5-methoxytryptamine
  • Phenylethylamine

This product can raise your blood pressure and interfere with other drugs you may be taking. Talk to your doctor about this product.

This product contains ingredients that may be banned by some sports organizations and/or increase risk of false positive on a drug test. Please consult with your sport organization or physician before taking this product.



The post Oxyelite Pro (Original Formula) – Is Back? appeared first on Supplement Reviews Blog.


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