Mar 25, 2022
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Friday Faves

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? P has a soccer game, Liv has some play dates, our house is in full disarray after being painted, and I’m filming a new barre video for ya. 🙂 The weather has been a dream, so I’m hoping we can catch a family hike, too! I’d…
The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.


Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? P has a soccer game, Liv has some play dates, our house is in full disarray after being painted, and I’m filming a new barre video for ya. 🙂 The weather has been a dream, so I’m hoping we can catch a family hike, too! I’d love to hear what you have going on.

(Mazer got a haircut!)

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments below.

Friday Faves

Fashion + beauty:

New Beautycounter mask! This amazing mask is now available to the public and is one of my new favorite products. It’s a little different than thee overnight peel, which is gentle enough to use a few times a week. I would only use this once per week, as it has chemical and physical exfoliants. I also love that you can use it with this little tool to smooth the product into your skin, exfoliate, and then add serum afterwards. It makes my skin feel tight and super moisturized.

Beautycounter AHA Reflect Effect Mask Review:

Here’s a little video demo:

The link to snag one for yourself is here!!

The perfect jean shorts. They’re high waist, true to size, and not too short.

Cocofloss. I think I’ve shared these in a previous Friday Faves post, but they’re worth another shout out. I never thought I could be particular about floss, but this is THE FLOSS. It has amazing ingredients, doesn’t taste artificial, and is like a loofah between your teeth. Other floss feels flimsy and sad compared to this. It’s made with 85% recycled polyester spun from water bottles and the container is recyclable and refillable. This link gets you $10 off your first order $30+.

Read, watch, listen:

West Side Story. I’ve been trying to add more pockets of self care into the day, and one of the ways has been to prop up my phone and put on a movie or show while I’m working. I finally watched the recent adaptation of West Side Story and it

I’ve seen the stage version multiple times throughout my life, and admittedly get a little bored sometimes. (My bizarre meter always goes off when the gangs are doing slinky jazz moves and snapping. Not that there’s anything wrong with it but I feel like some of the choreography doesn’t match the plot. Don’t throw anything at me!) I was SUCKED IN the entire time. The entire cast is incredible, Maria was breathtaking, Tony’s voice was perfection, the dancing was insane, and I feel like they updated it while sticking to the heart of the story.

Photo source

Brigerton is coming back TODAY. Bless it.

Check out this week’s podcast episode here! I’m chatting with one of the co-founders of Health-Ade kombucha, Daina Trout.

Watching Titanic with Liv. She was home for a couple of days, so we finished watching Titanic. (We started watching it months ago when she was home from school. I only had to skip two scenes: the famous drawing scene and when they’re in the car together if you know what I mean.) I FORGOT THE END! I’m not going to post spoilers here in case you haven’t seen it, but the very last scene is everything.

Also worth mentioning here that I’m a huge fan of Common Sense Media. I head to this site when the kids want to watch a movie or show that I haven’t seen, or haven’t seen in a very long time. It gives you specifics about the content you may want to skip, and suggested ages for each movie/show/book.

A beautiful post on the magic of having kids. When we first had Liv, I feel like I was inundated with so much negative information online about having kids and how hard/terrible it is. It truly is the biggest gift and every year is better and better. It’s refreshing to read about all of the positives. 🙂

(Nekter acai bowl with pea protein, gf granola and peanut butter)

Fitness + good eats:

Huge wins from our Total Body Reset community!! This is one of the many emails I’ve received. Our group has been so much fun, and I’ve loved being able to see the changes they’re implementing and questions they’re asking along the way.

Want to join our next round? Get on the waiting list here.

How to create a playlist for a workout class

A full spring fitness plan

Chickpea buddha bowl

Happy Friday, friends!



The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.


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